Saturday, October 18, 2008

Relay for Life Kupcakes

Kimmi's Kupcakes was honored to be involved in the
2nd Annual Relay for Life.
We donated 5 dozen kupcakes for the Dance team to sell and raise money.

Vanilla Polka-Dots...yumm
A super moist vanilla cake filled with a vanilla cream.
Topped with our signature vanilla icing.

Our classic yellow cake filled with silky smooth chocolate cream.
Topped with creamy chocolate frosting and Pink Breast Cancer Ribbons.

Baby it's cold outside....
Well, not really but it sounds good!
These little treats are our spin on a "Hot Cocoa"
Our classic chocolate sponge cake topped
with silky smooth icing and mini marshmallows.

The Town of Buckeye~ Relay for Life Cancer Walk
October 19, 2008

1 comment:

Katie said...

SO cute! I love the little pink ribbons!!